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Lead Your Homes with Prayer
Ideas for prayer in the home:
Recite a prayer together (like the Lord’s prayer)
Write requests on pieces of paper and keep them in a jar or bowl. When the family is together, have everyone pull out a piece of paper and pray for that request. You can write down the names of people as well.
Have a list of big requests that you come back to regularly.
Go on a ride or walk and look for things to pray for while you’re out. If you live in a neighborhood walk and pray for your neighbors as you pass their homes.
Pray through the church directory.
Have a different prayer focus on different days/weeks, etc.
Adoration – Adore the Lord for his character and works
Confession – Confess your sins (personally or collectively) and acknowledge your need for the Lord
Supplication – Make your requests known to the Lord
Thanksgiving – Give thanks to the Lord
Pray through a passage of Scripture together.
Set a timer and pray until it goes off.
Kneel together for prayer occasionally
Write down your prayers (analog or digital) and send them to the people you are praying for.
Pray on the way to work/school
Pray out loud, together, when any need arises.
Teach yourself to pray intentionally by occasionally setting guidelines for your prayer (i.e. Only thank God today, ask for things of spiritual value with every request, focus only on the character of God, etc.)
Resources to grow in prayer:
Psalms (The ones in the Bible)
Valley of Vision – Arthur G. Bennett
Praying the Bible by Donald S. WitneyE.M. Bounds on Prayer
The Prayer that Turned the World Upside Down by R. Albert Mohler
This Prayer Will Change Your Life – Paul David Tripp (YouTube)
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